One more sleep!

One more sleep!

Hello blog-land!

Things have been a little crazy! My surgery is TOMORROW! Insane.

I’ve been preparing like crazy (as much as I can) for the big day and I still feel unprepared. There is a lot to think of and I’m trying to remember it all, but I think my brain might explode it is working that hard!

I’ve been doing the pre-op Optifast diet for two weeks now and I have lost less than I’d wanted to…but I suppose this is the whole reason I need the surgery! Hubby has been doing it to support me (and for himself) and has lost around 12kgs.  He’s pretty awesome.

My pre-op meal plan is as follows:

Breakfast – Vanilla Optifast shake with half a teaspoon of coffee. It tastes like an iced coffee and is actually delicious!

Lunch – Optifast Chocolate Bar. It kind of tastes like a space food stick. Not bad, not awesome either.

Dinner – At least 2 cups of approved non-starchy vegetables, cooked with a spoon of oil. My favourite has been Mushroom Stroganoff with either Slendier noodles (noodles made from vegetables) or cauliflower rice.

After Dinner -Optifast Shake or Bar. Usually a Chocolate shake.

If I feel like a snack I have diet jell, raw broccoli  or carrot sticks.

Stir-fried veggies with cauliflower rice. Yummo!

I’m actually pleasantly surprised by how little I’ve struggled. I really thought I’d fail…but I didn’t! I made cupcakes and muffins with the boys and didn’t even lick the spoon! Willpower.

They're not pretty, but the boys loved them. I didn't even have a taste! #willpower

Hubby has been my rock. I definitely would have struggled without his support.

The boys are going well.  DJ is rolling around the floor like crazy and Toby is getting his daily bump on the head from being too adventurous and hurting himself.

Marky’s surgery went really well for the most part. The Tonsillectomy went flawlessly. The Adenoidectomy went ok, they only did a partial removal as they found he has a short palate. They also discovered he has a Bifid Uvula – that dangly thing at the back of his throat is forked! Only 2% of the population have them and they are often signs of a partial cleft palate! So there you go! I honestly don’t know if it will cause any issues for him, I’ll be sure to ask at his follow up appointment. His hernia repair also went really well and he now has an ‘innie’, much to his disgust.

Piggy and Frankie waiting for their Marky to get out of surgery.

The only hiccup we had was with the tear duct clearance – the one I’d expected to be smooth. They weren’t able to clear the right tear duct and have referred us to a surgeon in Sydney to have another surgery done. They said something about putting a tube in for a few months to create a passage way. I haven’t had the appointment in Sydney yet so I really don’t know much about it. Hopefully it isn’t too major and things are finished for that little man for a while.

Anyway I’d best go and get packed for tomorrow. Big day. New life.

Wish me luck!

Today’s little wins:

Mumma: Stuck to my pre-op diet like a boss! No breaks!

Biggest-Little: Got through surgery like a champion. He fell asleep on me at one point in the hospital. I’ve missed that.

Middle-Little: Decided he wanted to spend some extra time with his mumma this morning and woke me up at 03:30am – silver linings, right?

Smallest-Little: Rolling here, there, and everywhere. He’s a happy goofy little man.